ARKA’s COBRA™ Gimbals offer precise, reliable, and low-SWaP pointing capabilities for antennas, sensors, and other payloads. With numerous configuration options and flight heritage in various environments, our COBRA Gimbals can be tailored to meet your mission-specific needs.

COBRA-HPX Gimbal System
The COBRA-HPX System is a flight-proven 3-DOF carpal-wrist gimbal capable of ±75° elevation and continuous slewing in azimuth without twisting payload harnessing. COBRA-HPX has payload capacity up to 1.2kg and has an integrated hold-down release mechanism (HDRM). This gimbal can be paired with ARKA’s Passive Deployment Mechanism (PDM) if a stand-off from the spacecraft is required. COBRA-HPX comes standard with ARKA’s flight-proven COBRA Commander motor controller.

COBRA™ Commander
The COBRA Commander is a driver for ARKA’s COBRA-HPX and COBRA-K2 gimbals, designed to provide pointing and positioning capabilities for robotic systems. COBRA Commander has flight heritage for missions in LEO and GEO environments.